Stillpoint Healing, Sheila LaSella, LMT
Energy Healing, Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy & Meditation

 Private Guided Meditation Instruction 

During this time, you will learn a simple, but powerful form of mindfulness meditation.   We will review the importance of the physical posture of meditation and whether sitting in a chair or sitting on the floor is better for you. You will learn why correct posture is essential to proper meditation. Then, we will discuss what to do with your mind, which includes how to follow the breath and how to let go of thoughts. We will meditate together  followed by any questions you may have. You will receive the most benefit by scheduling regular sessions close together. Once per week for at least four weeks is ideal.

Visualization meditation is another option we can explore to help you reach future goals and dreams in any area of your life - relationships, career, health, finances, family issues, self actualization.

About My Meditation Experience

I've been meditating regularly since 1997, primarily in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, spending two of those years meditating and studying full-time at Gampo Abbey, a Buddhist monastery in Nova Scotia, Canada. The daily schedule at the abbey included four hours of meditation and remaining in silence until noon. Sundays were a full practice day with eight hours of meditation and all-day silence.

In addition to the meditation schedule, all residents took formal vows of: refraining from taking life, refraining from stealing or taking what is not offered, refraining from sexual activity, refraining from lying and harmful speech (gossip), and refraining from alcohol and drugs. I also took monastic ordination as a path to decide if I wanted to become a fully ordained nun, which required wearing traditional Buddhist robes and shaving my head.

While at the Abbey, I attended and graduated from Shedra, a traditional Buddhist university focusing on philosophy, contemplation and meditation. My studies were complemented by intensive formal meditation periods such as Yarne - a six-week winter retreat, two-week silent retreats and solitary retreats. Retreat practice included up to eight hours of meditation, silence, fasting, additional vows and in-depth Buddhist teachings.

I've worked closely with Pema Chodron, Director and a Founder of Gampo Abbey, receiving personal meditation instruction from her and serving as her personal attendant. I took my Refuge Vows and Bodhisattva Vows with Pema. I've also studied with Buddhist meditation masters including Khandro Rinpoche and Thrangu Rinpoche.

I have completed Shambhala Buddhist Training, which is secular and includes a series of twelve contemplative workshops based on mindfulness and awareness meditation practices. It also focuses on dealing with modern life through meditation and social action in order to create enlightened society.

 I meditate everyday, and go on extended meditation retreats when possible. I am a lifelong student of meditation and the practices of mindfulness and loving-kindness. Meditation is a deeply transformative practice that will change your life - if you let it.

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